


GO FOR DEEP THINGS  Have you ever wondered what is the difference between the best man at something and that person who isn't?,proba...

THE NEED FOR CREATIVITY(the purpose of Education)

this is a topic i have always wanted to write about for a long time,because it is something that has affected the world in general and if it is not paid attention to,it will cause great disaster to the economy of any nation.it is no doubt that the unemployment rate tends to increase on a daily basis most especially in African countries,this is because most persons have misunderstood the concept of Education,it is better you don't know the purpose of a thing than you have a wrong knowledge about it's purpose,take for example,you had a wrong knowledge about the usage of a refrigerator,probably you thought it's purpose was meant to serve as a bed for small children that they could sleep in as it might serve as an air conditioner due to it's ability to create cold atmosphere and you thought that was a good condition for sleeping(though it is) and you ended up putting your child into the refrigerator while it is turned on and you closed it,that will definitely cause the death of your child as he/she will die of the cold conditions in the refrigerator and also due to non availability of oxygen inside the refrigerator.now just because you misunderstood it's purpose you have paid the price with the life of your child.do you now see how dangerous it is for you to misunderstand the purpose of a thing?.in our society today many have misunderstood the purpose of formal Education and it has caused great harm to our society and the world at large,so many persons see formal Education as a process one goes through to be able to get an high paying job and be able to live well,this is a wrong mentality and many have ended up paying the price with their joy in life,the purpose of formal Education was for self development,acquiring knowledge and being vast.it was never meant to qualify you for an high paying job as most think today thereby misunderstanding the purpose of formal Education,and that has caused great harm to them.everyone wants a future in which he/she will be able to cater for his /her need/want and still have enough to give out,it is possible but many have chose the wrong path in achieving this purpose,it is very good to go to school, infact it is important to go to school,but never you see it as a way of becoming rich as others do,though it might be able to give to you a good job but that will be on probability,would you like to live your life which you only live once based on probability?,many at times so many persons are just carried away by the jobs they can get as a result of going to school and all they are after is just good grades as that will guarantee them a good job and so they only read to pass exams and not to gain knowledge and they therefore do not actually get the benefits of going to school which is gaining knowledge and becoming vast,they just cram what they are taught in school so as to be able to pass well in exams after the exams they forget what they were taught in school,thereby not gaining any knowledge,they no longer try to put to practice that which they learnt in school because they don't care all they want is an high paying job,they therefore fail to develop themselves only for them to graduate and discover that life is not rosy,because there are too many graduates who also want high paying jobs like you,and guess what? the country can't employ all of you,because they have a limited number of companies,and more are still going to graduate after you,there is no way that the government will be able to employ everybody,thereby leading to high unemployment rate,and then you discover that school can't actually give you the high-paying job that you have always wanted,but there is a cure to this problem,and that is being creative,creativity is the only thing that can guarantee you an high paying job,but funny enough nobody cares about being creative as they are too lazy,they just want to follow the footsteps of those who went to school and with luck on their side got a good job,they fail to realize that greatness does not work like that,it is only for those who chose to do something different and eventually become different themselves.most people fail to know that life does not pay you for your certificate,it only pays you for what you can do,if you must be rich you must be creative,if you look at the top richest persons in the whole world you will discover that they have one thing in common,and that is "creativity",each created something new and that has made them extremely wealthy today,how many persons who are working with their certificates that they got from school and have become as wealthy as to be among the top richest in the world?,definitely none,is it then bad to go school?,no,it is good,it is just that we expect it to give us more than it can actually offer to us and that is why they are all sad when they eventually don't get what they want after going to school,one thing is certain,God has given each and everyone of us the ability to create,so you have it in the inside of you,in creativity,you have to bring out something from nothing,this might seem difficult,but you have that ability in the inside of you,it is just that you have not being able to unleash it ever since,all you have to do is to sit down and think about something that will make life easier and more fun,or a solution to a problem,and work towards fulfilling that idea of yours,note:what you will think might have not existed before or might not have existed in the way you intend to create it,take for instance,when mark zukerburg created facebook,was there an already existing social platform like facebook?,definitely no,when bill gates created microsoft,was there something like that before?,also a big no,so that tells you that what you might create might not have existed before or might not have existed in that form before,but that does not mean it is not possible,who would have thought that a social media platform like facebook would have existed,not until mark zukerburg created it,so just think of that thing that nobody else have ever thought about and worked hard to bring it to pass,though it might be stressful,but i can assure you of one thing that life itself will definitely pay you for it,stop wasting most of your time in unproductive activities like video games and movies(though it is not bad),but they only reduce your thinking capacity and subdue your ability to create.this should be one of the sacrifices you should be willing to pay so as to be more creative,and when you go to school,go there so as to gain more knowledge,vast and also to develop yourself,and not because of an high paying job,because if anything is up to you,it is your success.GOOD LUCK!!!
you can write to me at favourg306@gmail.com