


GO FOR DEEP THINGS  Have you ever wondered what is the difference between the best man at something and that person who isn't?,proba...


One major challenge of most individuals most especially teenagers and youths who are still in school is the issue of making good grades in their academic work,this is a major challenge for most students as they find it very difficult to do well in their exams,and this makes people around them to look down on them as they are being called dummies by relatives and friends,this cause has resulted in most students commiting suicide as they can not cope with the stigma of being called a dummy,if you have been looking for the secret formula for excellence in academics,then look no further as mapbiz will provide you with sure techniques to academic excellence.

 This is a deep secret that is known by only a few students and this makes them to excel in their academics,one mistake most students make is to read hard just to pass exams,this makes reading difficult as they result to cramming just to be able to pass exams,they really are not interested in the knowledge but just the grades but this is wrong as most students that have this view tends to do poorly in their exams,if you must do well in your academics,you must see every subject that you are being thought in school as a skill that you practice,more like if you were to learn fashion designing,you would have to go to your place of skill acquisition on daily basis to improve on your skills on fashion designing and also to master it,so you should see every subject that you are being taught in school,see it as a skill that you practice on daily basis and not just a collection of related topics that you have to read to have an A in the exam,when you see it as a skill,you would not cram it but rather you will try to understand it,just the same way you won't cram a particular design in the process of learning your fashion designing as that will totally be useless because fashion designing is all about creativity and you would need to create new styles on daily basis or else you will not succeed in the field,so also is your academic work,you need to practice it on daily basis and don't cram as there are different ways to solve that particular question and so you should learn the various ways so as to be good,when you see school this way,you won't have to cram but rather just learn each day as you will be happy as it you will develop each day in your skills and exams won't be difficult for you as the various subjects are skills that you have acquired already.

 In the above secret we recommended you seeing your school as a skill that you are trying to acquire,if you agree with that, just the same way you would have to go to your place of skill acquisition everyday to master your skill,so also you would have to go to your books everyday so as to master it,in other words you will have to be consistent with your school work,you would have to visit those textbooks of yours on daily basis,and not just with the textbooks but also with each topics,the fact that you have read a topic once does not mean you should not read that topic again,you should  ensure you read each topic over and over again so as to improve your skills on how to go about questions from such areas.

3.READ BIG TEXTBOOKS,don't be a lazy.
 There is a current law in the field of academics that states that "bigger textbooks higher score",this law has been tested extensively and proven to be true,if you must excel in your academics you must not be the lazy students who prefer to read easy handouts,you should try to read voluminous textbooks relating to your subjects,no matter how big they happen to be,don't get discouraged as if you must score high you should read these kind of textbooks as they tend to offer you more knowledge than others and makes you a better skilled person than your classmates,though your friends might prefer to read smaller handouts that just give them key words,but those handouts can't give the main explanation or the reason a thing is like that,so if you must do well in your academics,you must know the explanation or reason behind different phenomenon in the subject,and the only way for you to get it is through reading voluminous textbooks.

 if you keep to these 3 rules of academic excellence you are sure to end up at the peak of your class.

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