


GO FOR DEEP THINGS  Have you ever wondered what is the difference between the best man at something and that person who isn't?,proba...


 One thing most persons would not like to be called or encounter is the term "failure",but only few actually understands the concept of being a "failure",can i shock you for a moment?,if yes,then i would like to tell you that failure is a sign of greatness,show me one who fails and i will show you one that will become great,one of the mysteries of life that only few know of is that the path to greatness is built with lots of "fails",there is a saying that nothing good comes easy,so also the price of greatness is to go through lots of circumstances where you are termed a failure,this is nature's way of testing if you are really worth being great,for today's example,we will look at the life of Thomas Edison,the man that invented the electric bulb you have in your room right now,quite a great man,isn't he?,definitely yes,i suppose you should also know that he tried 999 different times in creating the bulb,but he failed in those 999 times,but succeeded only the 1000 time,wow,what do you think he would have been called those 999 times when he failed in inventing the bulb?,he was definitely called a failure by his relatives and also friends but he knew too well that if one must be great,one needed to have failed several times and so he held unto his dream,and today he is known all over the world and still lives on.
Maybe you might failed several times in the past,maybe you have never succeeded in anything before,and you are definitely downcasted as you feel you are a failure,no you shouldn't feel that way,as it is only a sign of a brighter future,all you need to do is work harder and don't ever feel down,though it is normal to feel that way at that instant in time,but after that while,you should cheer up,as you already now know that it is nature's way of testing your worthiness of being great,also remember that Thomas Edison failed 999 times,but he is today celebrated,so also you might have failed now,but if you work hard,tomorrow you will be celebrated.
Here is a quote from a great man,Godwin Favour-"your failing today is what makes your story awesome when you are being celebrated tomorrow".

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