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how to be successful in business in Nigeria economy

many at times most persons wonder how to become successful in business in a hard economy,just like the kind of economy found in Nigeria,which is a very hard one as there is an high rate of unemployment,the naira tends to lose it's value daily,and the poverty rate just keep rising on daily basis,in the Nigerian economy it is more like the rich keeps on becoming richer and the poor becomes poorer,also in the business sector,where the giants in business records tremendous growth in their business but start-ups business find it difficult to even make a sale in a day,making most business to crash in just few weeks of existence,this is definitely not a good economy where one can start a good business from scratch and build it up to the tops as most factors will see to the failure of the business in a few weeks,so many at times business men tend to obtain huge loans from commercial banks to start up their business in a large scale as the Nigerian economy does not support small scale business,this is dangerous,because you don't start building a business from the top but rather from the bottom,there is only one thing that starts from the top and that is the rain and that is why it ends on the ground,so many at times taking huge loans from banks might not be the best option as the business will tend to crash,because you might operate in  scale you can not handle,so you see either way there is a problem,and that is why mapbiz is here to help you out with the secret path that only few know of that will guarantee you success in the Nigerian economy weather you are starting on a small scale or a large scale.majority of the persons who might be reading this post are entrepreneurs who might only have small capital and might wonder how to go about it so as to achieve success in their business,don't you worry by the time you are done reading this you will definitely know how to go about your business plan in a way that will guarantee you success,and also you might be a big scale entrepreneur,don't you worry this post is also for you as you will learn more secrets.i would like to let you know that our ideas here at mapbiz or our steps to success in the Nigerian economy are not copied from a book but are rather secrets we have learned from experience in the various business sectors in Nigeria that we have engaged in just for your sake.so what so ever you see here are garthered from experience in Nigerian economy itself.
 yes you just read it right "read",there is a saying that if you would like to hide anything from a black man you should put it in a book,that might be true,and it has crashed lots of businesses,as the entrepreneurs before venturing into the business did not read enough materials to equip himself with enough knowledge to combat the trials of business,but in as much as you should read you should ensure you read the right materials,in as much as knowledge is power,wrong knowledge will also be powerful enough to destroy your business,over 90% of business people that reads tends to read the wrong materials with out them knowing and they have paid the price with their capital,below are ways to know the right material to read
 *read materials related to the business you are about to venture into;many at times people just read any business book,not minding if it actually provides them with knowledge relating to the business they intend to venture into,thereby wasting time,i know that no knowledge gained is lost but in the nigerian economy one has to fully equiped with the right knowledge to be able to face the tough times in  the economy
 *avoid reading reading foreign books;yes,i know this might sound right but it is true,one thing most of us don't realize is that the authors of those foreign books wrote those books based on the economy or system of their country which is definitely different from the economy of Nigeria,those books might inspire you and motivate you but most of thier suggested techniques won't work because our economy is totally different from theirs,i am not saying it is bad to read foreign books,it is really good,in fact i do read them but don't always expect their techniques to work in Nigeria as the economy over here is totally different,from experience most Nigerians do not like to read books written by african authors as they feel that they are not qualified enough to give them good tips but they fail to remember that those African writers are the best source of real ideas as they themselves have experienced the Nigerian economy and are in the best place to give successful tips.
  yes,i could bet you have never heard of this tip before,Nigerian is a country where most of it's citizens are churchy which is not actually bad but they tend to bring in their conception of faith in church down to the Nigerian economy and they do not realize that it does not work like that,it is not bad to believe in a better future in your business but that idea has made many to drop down the effort they put into the success of their business and then rely on their faith of a better future.never you allow your conception of faith to over rule your business plans as that will only crash your business because many at times life do not actually go as planned,you should know that every other business tycoon also believes in having a successful business,and guess what?,life can't meet all our needs unless we work towards it,so just don't believe it will happen as you have always dreamed but rather work towards it.
  in as much as you have a dream of owning a successful business in Nigeria,you need to work really hard,i can tell you this for sure that the journey is not easy,many at times when people read those foreign books it kills their ability to work hard as they now feel the success of their business is based on their mindset,those books many at times makes you to believe that your success comes from your mind,that is not wrong,but to survive in a tough economy like Nigeria you will need to back-up that mind-set of yours with hard work because the system over here is extremely shattered and would require a lot of effort from you to be able to stand out,many of us get carried away by the success of the big businesses around us and we would love to be like them,but we do not see the struggle that the owner of that business had gone through to be able to build the business,and the problem i have with them is that whenever you ask them their secret they just tell you it is God,yes we know it is God,but God is with every other business tycoon but why was yours more successful than others,definitely he should have done what others did not do and that is working extra hard,so for you to survive in Nigeria you should be ready to work hard,and in as much as you should work hard,you should also work smartly,many at times people just keep on putting more efforts,but they do not think about which method would produce better results with the effort they introduce into their business,you should be able to create ideas,techniques and tricks that will yield more results,take for instance you are into the food business,definitely after eating one would definitely need water,and those who sell food also sell water along just to make more profit and they also feel that their business is stratified,it is now more like a company with different departments (lol),every other food seller would work hard by moving their food from one street to another to make sales,but if you are to work smart you will simply offer free sachet water to your customers and include the cost of the sachet water in the price of their food in a way that you will still make profit either by reducing the quantity you sell by a small quantity that they won't even take note of so as to realize back the money you used to purchase the sachet water or by increasing the cost of your food in a little way,by so doing you will gain more customers as they will love to buy from you because of the free sachet water you offer them,by so doing when other food sellers are just working hard,you will be working hard and also smartly.GOOD LUCK!!!
you can write me at favourg306@gmail.com