


GO FOR DEEP THINGS  Have you ever wondered what is the difference between the best man at something and that person who isn't?,proba...


one of the challenges most persons face most especially those in  the sales department is the problem of winning over customers,this is a very difficult task that seems difficult for some persons,if you are actually going through such a problem then worry on more as you have found the right material that will give proven techniques on how to win over any kind of customer regardless of what you are selling to them,that is why mapbiz is the best as we offer sure techniques that will make you successful in the business world.
 this is a technique most persons don't actually consider,there is a saying that he who fails to plan actually plans to fail,it is so funny how so many persons just go out on the streets looking for potential customers or you just open your shop and you expect customers to just walk right into it,it doesn't happen that way,one needs to have a good plan before he or she will be able to win over a customer,this is the first and most important step in being successful in getting much customers,in planning ensure you do the following,first consider what you are selling(product) and the kind of persons that buy what you are selling,if you are into wholesaling think about the kind of retailers that will buy from you,and if possible know their locations.in other words know your future customers i.e the people you intend selling to.
  after you have identified your potential customers,you should make friends with them on a neutral ground,one thing that matters most in business is relationship,most persons don't actually pay attention to this factor and they therefore make huge flaws in business,if you want to be successful in business,you should put the relationship you have with your customers above the money(profit) you make from them,if you do it that way,it might involve a lot of sacrifices from you,but with time you will surely see the rewards,you should try to create a relationship with your potential customers even before you start your business,that is why planning ahead is good,if you intend starting a business in the next six months,try to identify your potential customers that same six months before you start your business,so that you can make friends with them even before you start your business,imagine having a six months friendship with your potential customers ahead of time,when the time finally comes for you to start your business,you won't find it difficult to win them over as they happen to already  be your friends,and they will see it as an obligation to buy from you.you can start a relationship with your potential customers simply by greeting them everytime see them.
 definitely you are not the first and only one selling what you are selling,there are definitely others who are selling same product as you,these are your competitors,and one thing is also certain,the persons you intend selling to already have people(your competitors) supplying them with same or similar product,what you need to do which is also part of planning,is to make research about who your competitors are and the price at which they sell to their customers,the truth is you are not trying to win a customer but the fight is about defeating your competitors because if you are able to defeat them,you will have all the customers to yourself,imagine you were the only one selling that product,will there be a need to look for customers?,definitely no because they will come to you,but since there are others selling similar products then the need to look for customers,so the real fight is actually against competitors and not the customers itself,because if you offer better offers to your customers than your competitors,then you are sure to win over lots of customers.
after you have made research about your competitors and the price at which they sell,you should be able to know how to fix your price in such a way that might be lower than the price that your competitors sell and yet you will still make profit though your profit might be small but it will be worth it,one secret in winning over customers is selling at a price lower than the price at which others sell to them,your customers will definitely want to make more gain so they are sure to choose you as you sell at a more cheaper price,i know this might eat into your profit but trust me at the later end it will be worth it,for you to be successful in business you should not be too greedy to start making huge profit at first as that will affect a lot of things,you should be ready to sacrifice alot into your business,if you would really want to beat your competitors,you should sell at the cost-price at which you bought,i know this might be crucial but life is all about sacrifice but if you have expenses,then sell at a price at which you will be able to cover up your expenses,so that your business does not turn out to be a liability to you,when you sell at your cost-price,you are sure to win over much customers as your selling price will definitely be lower than that of your competitors and you would have succeded in defeating them and you would have won all the market to yourself,you might continue to sell at your cost-price for about 1 week after which you can then then start increasing your selling price bit by bit,but do not increase it at once but add a little insignificant amount to it so that you can then start making little profit,by so doing you would have defeated your customers and would have won over much customers
  in as much as your aim is to win over customers,but you certainly don't want to win them over only for you to loose them,so it is also important that you learn how to keep your customers,and the best way to do that is by having and maintaining a good relationship with them,customers are sure to get you angry but you should not allow that to get in your way,you should be able to control yourself no matter what,even if they are the ones at fault,you should ensure you are always on good terms with them and also try giving them discounts at several times as that will encourage them to keep on buying from you.
you can write me at favourg306@gmail.com