


GO FOR DEEP THINGS  Have you ever wondered what is the difference between the best man at something and that person who isn't?,proba...


Many at times most persons wonder what sector of life they should go into so as to earn money,they want to be part of the sector that yields more money,and that is why mapbiz has put together top 4 lucrative sectors that guarantees you great wealth if you venture into any of them,we have conducted a research and have put together these 4 sectors that tends to lead in terms of being lucrative to those involved in them and from our research these factors are not just lucrative for the now but will even be more lucrative in years to come as only few have being able to benefit from it's resources.if you have been looking for what sector to venture into,then you just found the right material,because mapbiz will always give you sure techniques to success.
 This is a sector that is very lucrative,most persons can actually attest to the fact that those involved in entertainment are extremely rich,but funny enough only few persons are into this sector,this is because most persons are actually ignorant or narrow minded towards the different ways through which one can be part of the entertainment industry,many a times when you talk about entertainment,people only think about music,comedy and movies,but that is wrong,because there are different ways through which one can be part of the industry just that most persons are ignorant about these ways and therefore fail to benefit from the immense wealth that the entertainment industry has to offer,it is beyond doubt that entertainers are one of the richest in the world,many of them have been able to amount for themselves millions of dollars through the entertainment industry,and you can also do same for yourself even if you are not talented in the areas of music,comedy or movies because there are different ways through which you can be part of it and amount millions of dollars for yourself,we will outline some of these ways below;
 A.blogging-this is one way to be part of the entertainment industry,it is very easy and also has lots of benefits to offer,though you might already know what a blog is,but maybe you have failed to venture into it because you didn't see the opportunity in it,with blogging you can make much for yourselves,all you have to do is get the blogger apk on your phone if you have an android phone and also wordpress on your laptop if you have one,though there are other platforms through which you can actually blog,but we recommend these two for a start,all you need do is create your account with the platform you choose to use,then you have to choose a niche that you intend to strive in,one of the best niche to go into is that of entertainment,as it always gets the attention of many,you can choose to write about entertainment news on your blog,or choose to make your blog a platform through which people get to download music videos or audios through this channel you make money for yourself,there are different ways to earn money through blogging,one of them is through google adsense,through this who ever gets to visit your blogspot and gets to see the ads that google places on your blog,you automatically get paid by google,and also get paid more when they click on the ads,you can also go through the affiliate market where you can also earn more ,all you have to do is draw attention through your entertainment news,videos and audio,and as they visit your blogspot you automatically get paid by google,though it might not be easy at first but if you can build your blogsite you will definitely employ other bloggers to work for you,by helping you to post on your blogsite,and you get to pay them monthly from the money you earn.to learn more about opportunities in blogging as they are infinite,you can read about it or write to me to learn more at favourg306@gmail.com
 B.writing-this is also a part of entertainment that can earn you even Millions if you are able to go into,though it might involve lots of creativity but if you are able to channel your creativity through the right path you are sure to end up among the stars,this part does not only offer you money but also fame,in terms of writing the opportunities are infinite,as you can go into writing of novels,short-stories,scripts,songs e.t.c,the list is infinite,one of the systems upon which the entertainment industry runs is writing,in almost all of it's aspects the skill of writing is involved,in movies,there is the need to write scripts,in songs,there is the need to write the lyrics and lots more,if you are not good at acting,but you are good at writing,you can write a movie and sell it to producers at very high cost and make your money from there,there are no doubts that even top musicians buy lyrics of songs from individuals and pay them a very good amount for it,so if you are creative enough that you can compose songs,even if you are not good at singing,you can sell your songs to top musicians at very high cost even in millions depending on the harmony in your song,or you can either write your own books be it novels or short stories and publish them for the world to see,and you are sure to make your millions from the sales of your books that is if it is very interesting,you can do more research on this but we will soon publish our post on writing to give you helpful tips on writing.
 This sector will not just earn you millions but rather it pays in billions,no doubt that the top richest people in the world are into programing,for example the owner of facebook,mark zukerburg,bill gates the richest man in the world who happens to be the CEO of microsoft and lots more,this is an aspect that you should go into as very few persons are into it,therefore it still has lots of revenue to offer to those who will venture into it,all you have to do is to learn some basic programming language such as python,c++,c#,c programming,kotlin,java e.t.c and be able to create software applications,even without creating applications,top companies such as facebook,google,microsoft e.t.c will gladly employ you for your skills and definitely you should know the salary range that these companies can offer,programmers are in high demand all over the world because the world is becoming more digital on daily basis and as such most companies would need your skill in programming to be able to keep up with the pace at which the world is moving,programming is more like a skill that requires a huge percentage of your brain but trust me it pays when you finally know how to code,it is actually divided into two aspects which are front-end development that involves the knowledge of languages such as html,css,javascript,SQL e.t.c and back-end development that involves the knowledge of languages such as python,c#,c++,Go,kotlin e.t.c. i would advice that you start with front-end development by learning html as it is the skeleton of websites and web apps.you don't need to learn all the different languages but just try to learn a few and try to create something with them and you might then choose to expand your horizon by learning more languages,though it might take time,but it is actually worth as just one software that you will create will earn you billions of dollars.
 This aspect is actually a sure path to success,we all know the amount politicians do earn and also the allowances they are entitled to,this sector does not only guarantee you money but also power and fame,though it is a dirty game and is very risky as you might lose your life in the process but if you are able to play your cards very well and eventually end up in government positons you will discover that it was actually worth it,other sectors might die out in centuries to come,but this will never lose it's place as being one of the top lucrative sectors,as it has maintained it since the creation  of Government.
 This might not be what you expected as nobody wants to be a farmer,but who said you have to be a farmer?,one basic need of everyone is food,so the demand for food will never cease or decline as the world's population tends to increase,so the demand for food keeps on increasing on daily basis,this is an aspect that if you go into full-time or part-time,directly or indirectly,you are sure of huge returns,many persons shy away from agriculture as they do not want to be term farmers,as majority of them prefer white collar jobs,but the truth is there are different ways to go into Agriculture as you can actually invest in someone else's farm or you go directly into it.you might choose to go into crop production or animal rearing but either way you are sure of your profit because you will be selling that which is needed by everyone everyday.GOOD LUCK!!!
you can write to me(Godwin Favour) at favourg306@gmail.com
remember that at mapbiz our joy is to see you succeed in whatsoever you do.