


GO FOR DEEP THINGS  Have you ever wondered what is the difference between the best man at something and that person who isn't?,proba...


 This is a question most young entrepreneurs,most especially those that i mentor,keep on asking me,to some being a successful entrepreneur is all up to luck,but that is the thought of failures,but to those who are successful most especially in the business field,they can testify to you that there is no such thing as luck in the quest of success in entrepreneurship but rather it is all about knowing the rules and playing it better than every other person,this is why mapbiz has put together these 4 secrets that will guarantee you success in your quest to be a successful entrepreneur.
 Yes maybe the last time you attended a business conference,you were told that you needed to have a dream,well it is quite essential that you have a dream that you intend to fulfill,most times i find too many entrepreneurs who do not have a dream,this might sound surprising to you,but most people actually go into the entrepreneurship line just for the prestige that comes along with it or the infinite profit that a business might have to offer,these set of persons who do not have a dream will always end up as the common entrepreneurs found in the streets,they are never at the top because the top is reserved for those who had a dream of being at the top,as a young entrepreneur,you should not just go into business because it offers you a better working terms than being an employee or because of the prestige that comes along with being the owner of your own business,people who go into business for this purpose actually ends up failing,because the path of entrepreneurship is not an easy one,it is quite full of obstacles and the only thing that is strong enough to keep you moving despite the unfavourable conditions it might give to you at onset is your dream. the profit,prestige,flexible working hours e.t.c that entrepreneurship has to offer will not be enough to keep you moving when tough times in business arises,that is why most persons who go into business without having a dream but rather for it's benefits tends to quit entrepreneurship few months after going into it,this is why you must have a dream that you would want to fulfill in the course of your entrepreneurship career,maybe that dream is to build a business that will have branches all over the world,or to own the most popular business in your country or even to be the richest businessman in your time e.t.c, that dream is what will make you remain in the entrepreneurship career even when your balances are reading negative,even when you have not made a sale in the past few days or have lost all your customers to your competitors.so ensure that before you go into business that you already have a dream,incase you do not have,create one now.
 In as much as you should have a dream,just like every other entrepreneurs can,you should do what only a few entrepreneurs can do,and that is sticking to your dreams,i have met a few entrepreneurs who had dreams of being the business giants in their country,but one thing that hurts me the most is when i see most of them giving up on their dreams,which is usually because they were discouraged by others that their dreams were too big,but they didn't know that for your dream to be called a dream it must be bigger than you or else it will be a nightmare,when you have a dream,you will definitely see those who would not believe in your ability to fulfill that dream,but you should ignore them and stick to your dream,do you know why?,because they are part of nature's way of knowing if you are worthy of achieving success,for those who are not worthy,they will always fail by giving up,but for those who are worthy they will hold on tightly to their dreams irrespective of the discouragement they get from friends and family,we did a research on top successful men over here at mapbiz and we came to discover that for every great man that fulfilled his or her dream,,such a person was once told that he or she couldn't,so when you see yourself being told by friends that you won't succeed,don't get sad,because the characteristic of being told "you can not do it" is a feature of the successful,so smile when ever you are told you can't because it actually means that you will do it,so learn to stick to your dreams even when nobody is in support of it.
 This you should also do as it gives you insight into business secrets,you should find a person who is currently living in the dream you want to fulfill and then make such  a person your mentor,as he or she will definitely guide you on how to go about your business activity since he or she has been there before,this will afford you the opportunity of not making mistakes you would have made as your mentor will serve as your guardian angel.
 As a young entrepreneur who would want to be successful,you should learn to be sacrificial by putting the needs of others first before yours,it might not pay back directly but sacrifice according to me(Godwin Favour) has an unexplainable way of making you successful.
 so if you keep these 4 rules you are sure to be a successful entrepreneur at the end.
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my name is Godwin Favour and i am wishing you GOOD LUCK!!!
please ensure you frequently visit our blogspot to see our new posts daily
you can write me at favourg306@gmail.com
remember that at mapbiz our joy is to see you succeed in whatsoever you do.