


GO FOR DEEP THINGS  Have you ever wondered what is the difference between the best man at something and that person who isn't?,proba...


 A present alternative to formal education for most persons is now the acquisition of skills,though this is actually helpful as due to the increasing rate of unemployment in most countries,some persons are now able to employ themselves and others with the skills that they have acquired,so skill acquisition is now extremely important if one must succeed in any economy,but in as much as skill acquisition is now important,you should not just go about learning any kind of skill as there are numerous ones,but you should learn those that are lucrative and will earn you big time money,and that is why mapbiz has put together these top 3 skills that will earn you millions if you are able to acquire them and then put them to proper use.
 This skill will not just earn you millions but rather it pays in billions,no doubt that the top richest people in the world are into programming,for example the owner of facebook,mark zukerburg,bill gates the richest man in the world who happens to be the CEO of microsoft and lots more,this is an aspect that you should go into as very few persons are into it,therefore it still has lots of revenue to offer to those who will venture into it,all you have to do is to learn some basic programming language such as python,c++,c#,c programming,kotlin,java e.t.c and be able to create software applications,even without creating applications,top companies such as facebook,google,microsoft e.t.c will gladly employ you for your skills and definitely you should know the salary range that these companies can offer,programmers are in high demand all over the world because the world is becoming more digital on daily basis and as such most companies would need your skill in programming to be able to keep up with the pace at which the world is moving,programming is more like a skill that requires a huge percentage of your brain but trust me it pays when you finally know how to code,it is actually divided into two aspects which are front-end development that involves the knowledge of languages such as html,css,javascript,SQL e.t.c and back-end development that involves the knowledge of languages such as python,c#,c++,Go,kotlin e.t.c. i would advice that you start with front-end development by learning html as it is the skeleton of websites and web apps.you don't need to learn all the different languages but just try to learn a few and try to create something with them and you might then choose to expand your horizon by learning more languages,though it might take time,but it is actually worth it as just one software that you will create will earn you billions of dollars.
 This is just one skill that never ceases to marvel me,you know why?,because much persons are into yet but yet it tend to offer more each day,the revenue generated by this skill is just infinite,but for you to succeed with this skill,you should be creative,as those who are creative with this skill end up becoming rich beyond their expectations,this skill involves the ability to make beautiful design on clothes,and guess what?,what else is in trend all over the world in not clothes,clothes are one of the three basic needs of life,the other two being food and shelter,this tells you that clothes are essential all over the world,and everybody wants to look good,so if after acquiring this skill,you are then able to design a very beautiful cloth that a particular set of persons would love to put on,then you are sure of hitting it big,and also if you are very good with this skill,there are top fashion designing companies that will gladly employ you or might even partner with you by helping to showcase your designs to the whole world but it will be on certain terms and conditions,so you should try acquiring this skill as it will definitely be worth it at the end.
 To some,this is a talent,but trust me when i tell you that it is a skill,and you can learn it,the opportunities for you if you are a good writer is infinite,ranging from blogging,freelancing to magazines,newspapers,script writing,novels,poems e.t.c,basically everything revolves around writing,there is nothing that will go big time that won't need the aid of a writer,this is a skill that will not just give you money but also fame,all you need to do is to learn how to write good materials,it is all about practice,as you might attend some writing programs that will help you to be good at writing,or you practice it by writing short stories everymorning,this might be stressful but it will help build you creativity and make you a better writer,when you are good at writing,you might start up by writing short stories,poems or even novels which will definitely earn you much money,who knows,you might be the author of the next best seller novel,or even be the writer of the next most seen movie all over the world,if you are not good at acting,but you are good at writing,you can write a movie and sell it to producers at very high cost and make your money from there,there are no doubts that even top musicians buy lyrics of songs from individuals and pay them a very good amount for it,so if you are creative enough that you can compose songs,even if you are not good at singing,you can sell your songs to top musicians at very high cost even in millions depending on the harmony of your song,or you can either write your own books be it novels or short stories and publish them for the world to see,and you are sure to make your millions from the sales of your books that is if it is very interesting,you can do more research on this but we will soon publish our post on writing to give you helpful tips on writing.so ensure you acquire this skill,know that writing is not a job but rather it is a career.
my name is Godwin Favour and i am wishing you GOOD LUCK!!!
please ensure you frequently visit our blogspot to see our new posts daily
you can write me at favourg306@gmail.com
remember that at mapbiz our joy is to see you succeed in whatsoever you do.