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 No doubt that the agricultural sector happens to be one of the most lucrative sectors in the  world,and this is so because it offers that which everyone needs everyday,and that is food,but in as much as it is lucrative,there are some key areas that you should invest in if you would want to enjoy the goodies that this sector has got to offer,and that is why mapbiz has put together from our statistics these 3 most lucrative areas of the agricultural sector,if you invest in any of them,then you are sure to make high profit.
 Yes,you just read it right,probably you might not have thought about this before,but fishery is a sure lucrative area in Agriculture,due to the high protein content of fish,most persons has now made it a part of their every meal,i don't think i should talk more on that as you would probably agree with me on that,and also the medical sector now see fish as being medicinal and now prescribe it to their patients,and also most companies makes use of fish as their raw material which they process they get fish oil,now these are just a few importance of fish to our society,the uses of fish are endless and so it now happens to be an essential product to man,and what else would sell more if it is not an essential product?,so all you have to do is choose how you would want to get into this areas as there are different ways of involving in it,maybe you might like to sell directly to the final consumers,or you might want to rear fish yourself as this part aspect is more lucrative by owning your own fish pond,the choice is yours all you should do is to read more about it and then know how to key into it,but we(mapbiz) guarantee you one thing that whatsoever means you choose to invest in this area,you are sure to get back much profit.
 This is also another important aspect of agriculture that happens to be very broad and as well extremely lucrative as it offers to you a variety of products through which you can be partake in it's goodies,poultry generally has got to do with birds,one in it there are several products that you get to sell e.g you can either choose to sell meat gotten from the the birds,or maybe you might prefer to sell eggs laid by the birds,or the bird's droppings to farmers or even their feathers(though this one is rear),but anyone you choose you will always end up making huge profit  for yourself,so ensure you do proper research on how this business works before investing in it.
 This is actually from the other aspect of agriculture that deals on crop production,in this area you should not just produce any kind of crop,but those that can be exported,in other words those that have international importance as these kind tends to sell more rapidly,i might not list out any example of cash crops,because it depends on the country in which you live,you should observe your country and identify the kind of crops that they export out to other countries and then start producing such crops.but please ensure you do a proper research on the crop to understand it's system before investing into it.
my name is Godwin Favour and i am wishing you GOOD LUCK!!!
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remember that at mapbiz our joy is to see you succeed in whatsoever you do.