


GO FOR DEEP THINGS  Have you ever wondered what is the difference between the best man at something and that person who isn't?,proba...


 One thing that everybody wants to achieve in life is success,but funny enough only few achieve it,in other words they fail,but is it that they were doomed to fail?,definitely NO,but you should know that everything has a formula that triggers it,so also success has it's own formula,and guess what,failure also has it's formula,previously we(mapbiz) have published posts on how to achieve success in both general and specified areas of life,in this post we will be sharing with you a key secret to success,this key will not only work in the business field but also on all areas of life if it is applied.
 I have seen so many successful men in life,and also in no doubt i have also seen several persons who didn't achieve success,and in all cases there are different things that differentiates the successful from those who are not,but i won't talk about their differences but rather i will show a key that every successful man uses to open the door of success and that is the key of "ONE FOCUS",i have seen several young entrepreneurs who at the onset of their business would tell me that they want to deal in over ten different businesses,but they all have one end,and that is they end up failing as they quit business in few months after going into it,the reason was because they lacked "one focus",their attention was on too many things,if you must succeed,then you must focus your attention on one thing,every successful man is known for a particular line of business which he is into,they are known for one thing and not too many things,this is so because they had one focus,they chose a particular thing and went after it,that is what you should do if you want to be successful,i have seen so many persons who don't really know what they want let alone achieving it,they want to be businessmen and at the same time a musician and also an author,and they also like to go into movies,these kind of persons can't achieve success,because they do not have one focus,though they are some persons who are into several things but if you look at the beginning of such people you will discover that at the onset they were into just a particular thing and after they have achieved success in that thing before they started to go into other areas,you should choose a particular area and focus all your attention on that area till you achieve success,because jack of all trades but master of none,so even if you might want to go into different aspect of live,you should first of all choose one and focus all your attention on it and ensure you have achieved your desired success in that field before moving into others else you will be confused as you would merely achieve anything if you are to give yourself into different things at the same time.
my name is Godwin Favour and i am wishing you GOOD LUCK!!!
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you can write me at favourg306@gmail.com
remember that at mapbiz our joy is to see you succeed in whatsoever you do.