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 In business there will always be the need to sell a product,most business about 70% of them are product based business,in other words they are into the sales of products,but so many persons make huge mistakes as they just sell any kind of products,if you must be successful in business,then you should give proper consideration to the kind of product that you are selling,and that is why mapbiz has put together 4 qualities you have to look out for to be able to know the perfect kind of product to sell.
 This is the most important quality to look out for in choosing the kind of product to sell,the EEE means "essential everyday for everyone",in other words your product should be one that will be needed by everyone or those in the locality where you do your business,don't just go into selling any kind of product but you should consider how essential it will be those around you as that is the only reason why they will buy from you,if your product is not essential to them,they won't buy it as they won't be needing it,take for an example that you live in an environment filled with bachelors,and then you decide to sell female clothes in such a place,you will definitely not make much sales as what you are selling is not needed by them,but if you were to go into male clothes then you are sure to make more sales,as those bachelors will always have a need for new clothes,so find out the product that will be needed by everyone or most persons everyday.
 If you are choosing a product for sale,then you should probably choose that which is not easily perishable or even non-perishable,it is  not that going into the sales of perishable product is bad but it usually has more expenses as you will have to create a condition that will help to preserve the products for a longer period of time and this will definitely increase your expenses,take for example that you are going into the sales of fish on big time,you will have to have a cold room and that will cost you much,so you should probably look for a product that does not perish easily and you will end up saving much for youself as your expenses will not be that much as compared to those selling perishable products,and another advantage that it offers is that you will have longer time to sell your product unlike when you would have been selling perishable products,as these kind of products have only a short period of existence and would spoil if not sold between early,but when your product is non-perishable you have a longer time to sell your products.
 Probably you are not creating your own product and so you are into the chain of distribution as a middleman,and so you are selling a company's product,now there are different companies that are producing similar products,now as a middleman you will have to choose one from the different companies that you would like to help distribute their products,now you must have heard of the product life cycle,so to make the perfect choice,you should probably choose the company whose product is in the growing or maturing stage,now most persons choose companies whose products are already matured in the society,the problem with this is that when you distribute a matured product your sales are likely to be fixed as it has attained it's peak in the society and you will also have much competitors but when you choose a company whose product  is in the growing stage,you will make explosive sales as more people tends to try the product everyday,and you will have few competitors as others who are not aware of the secret i am sharing with you will probably still be marketing matured products leaving this niche for you and you will end up not struggling for customers.
 One thing in business is that there is always the need to move your products from the point of manufacture to the point of need,this then brings transportation into play,transportation is a key factor in the success of any business,as it can increase your expenses,one of the major cause of high expenses is transportation,most persons spend more money in transporting their products from the point where they buy or produce to the point where they sell,this will in no doubt lead to an higher cost price meaning your selling price will also be extremely high and convincing customers to buy from you at that high price will be very difficult unless you apply the tips that i alighted in my post on "how to win a customer",you need to check it out as you will find it helpful and also on how to retain your customers for life,so in choosing a product to sell,you should choose that which is easily transportable and will not cost you much in terms of transport expenses.
my name is Godwin Favour and i am wishing you GOOD LUCK!!!
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remember that at mapbiz our joy is to see you succeed in whatsoever you do.