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 Many persons are always concerned on how to get more customers,but in as much as you should get more customer,you should not just know how to get them but also how to keep them,or else your it might seem as if you are wasting your efforts as you struggle to get more customers only to end up losing them,mapbiz does not want this to happen to you and that is why we have put together these 5 ways through which you will be able to retain your customers,if you have been following us you will know that we have initially written on how to get more customers,it is great post and if you have not read it i will advice that you do so as it will help you alot,but we just don't want you to get more customers but also we want you to be able to retain them and that is why we have decided to write on this topic.have it in mind that our joy here at mapbiz is to see you succeed in business.
 One thing you should value most in business is "relationship",most entrepreneurs don't actually see this as an important factor and so they end up losing majority of their customers,whenever you get a new customer,you should try as much as possible to create a relationship with that person,i am not talking about a business relationship as this is the only kind of relationship most companies have with their customers,however this kind of relationship can not retain a customer as it is based on the greediness of both parties in wanting to make profit from each other,rather you should try to create a more mutual relationship this is usually done by asking about the welfare of your customers relatives or family member such as husband,wife,children e.t.c,this will make your customers to love you the more and feel more free with you as they now see you as a friend,you should also try to bring up some common topics for discussion such as sports,news,weather e.t.c,this tends to strengthen the relationship,you might try to find out your customer's hobby and talk about it,this will automatically strengthen your relationship the more and now your customer will then feel obligated to buy from you,because you are now his friend,it is more like you have a friend that sells a product and yet you go to buy from someone else,definitely you will feel guilty,that is how your customer will then feel if you are able to create a strong relationship with them,so your first step to retaining a customer is creating a strong relationship with them.this is actually one of the strongest means to retain a customer,it is so powerful that even if you sell at a price that is higher than every other person,yet they will still come to buy from you,so your aim now should be about creating a strong relationship with your customers.
 Now this is a new technique that i personally created and it has worked for me ever since,in this technique,you actually give out some cash to your customers,now this might be similar to discount but it is more different and more effective,i will show you the difference,in cash discount you actually reduce the amount a customer is supposed to pay for a product,take for instance a customer is supposed to pay $500 for a product but you then reduce it to $450,that is cash discount,this is what most companies do when their customers buy in bulk and it is really good,but the technique i am about to show you is more effective,in this method,take for instance a product cost $500,after the customer have paid for it take out $50 from the money and give it back to them this time don't tell them it is a discount,just tell them it is for their children(if they have given birth),or you just feel like giving it out to them as a friend,this way you strengthen your relationship with them and you retain them,the trick is the customer will value the $50 that you gave to him cash more than the one you gave to him as a discount,in discount,he some how feels that he deserves it but in cash it is a show of your love towards him most especially when you direct it towards his children,and also don't do this when he buys in bulk but just randomly so that he feels it is a free gift though it is more like a discount,when you do this,you are sure to retain your customers for life.
 Though this might be similar to the method above but it is a little bit different,as you do not give out to your customers in cash but rather in the form of tangible gifts,this should be done periodically so as to thank them for their patronage,but one thing you need to consider in terms of giving out either in cash or in the form of gifts is that it should not affect your business,you should cut out a little portion of your profit so as to finance these techniques or else your business might run down,you should be able to consider how much you earn so as to know the range you can give out,if you earn little also give little.
 You should be able to create a feeling of trust within your customers by being fair in your dealings with them,never you cheat on your customers even when you have the chance to do so,take for instance a customer pays you more than he ought to without knowing,when you discover this you should return back the excess amount and not see it as a means of making extra money,when you return the excess he or she immediately trust you,and see you as a worthy partner in business,if you can create this feeling in them,you are sure to retain your customers as most persons are looking for trust worthy business partner that they can  trust.
 This is also another way of retaining your customers,one thing is certain everyone has a dream,in other words your customers have something in mind that they intend to achieve,so first of all ask them what their dreams are in life and try to support them the little way you can,nobody forgets the person that supported them in fulfilling their dreams,it has a special way of sticking to their head,when you show concern in their dreams,you automatically hold a special place in their hearts,and they will keep coming back to you,most especially when you support their dreams either through advice,books,cash,gifts,ideas,words e.t.c,they will feel indebted to you and the least way they can pay you back is by continuous patronage.
 when you do these five things you are sure to retain your customers for life.i wish you success in your business endeavour,you can write to me at favourg306@gmail.com,i remain Godwin Favour,and i want to see you succeed in business,you can do me a favour by sharing this blogspot with your friends and also ensure you keep on visiting our blogspot to see our new posts about business,if you would want me to write about a topic for you,so that you can know how to go about it,you can email me about it at my email address that i gave out,and i am sure to reply you.
remember that at mapbiz our joy is to see you succeed in whatsoever you do.